City Gym Shorts by Purl Soho

Sewing Level: Advanced Beginner/Intermediate

Fabric: Rayon for the orange pair, and cotton lawn for the blue pair. Black and white pair for my daughter was a prototype and not sewn on stream. Blue embroidered pair pictured here are reversible.

I made size and View (if applicable): 34" hip for the orange pair for a teenager, 46" hip for me (I went one size above the recommended).

My mods: None but I sewed the waistband a bit differently.

Description: The shorts of our youth! Simple pull-on elastic waist shorts with binding trim. (for the orange pair I removed 1" off the top all the way around because my daughter wants them a bit lower but then she still liked rolling them down to make them flatter in appearance along the tummy).

Click the images below for videos: 


*For the sewing- I explain thing as I go in the orange pair but boy did I have some bad luck with that pair! The second pair went smooth. You can fast forward to those if you like.

Notes: This is a FREE pattern on the PurlSoho website. There are two listings for it- we followed the construction and all other details of the Liberty of London pairs and the pattern download is in the last line of the Materials section for either size range.

For the yardage, note that you would have to piece together the waistband in order to use the recommended yardage for many of the women's sizes. 

Sizing: I made the largest pair for myself and I could easily size down. They still work great! And I admit I had some reservations about this style for myself but I'll definitely make another pair. They are not the dolphin shorts of my teen years...phew!